Petitions for The Praetorian Project
Petition 1: We pray that God would arrange the members of each church as He chooses (1 Cor 12:18). That we would be faithful to pray earnestly and witness faithfully that God would save souls and that we would baptize them into our churches.
Petition 2: We pray that God would open our eyes to the needs, movements, and advances of the Universal Church as much as we focus on those within our family of churches. That we would often pray for, encourage, and work with other faithful churches to see the Gospel advance and flourish. That we would destroy the idols of church pride and brand-building in our hearts and lives.
Petition 3: We pray that God would unify this family of churches and that we would each eagerly maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph 4:3). May we hold unity in high regard.
Petition 4: We pray that the pastors/elders of our churches be freed to spend our lives equipping the saints for the work of the ministry (Eph 4:11). That we not get bogged down in endless administration, tedious chores, or unfruitful systems.
Petition 5: We pray that each member of our churches use his/her gifts from God to build up the body of Christ (Eph 4:12) not his/her own pride or position.
Petition 6: We pray that each church in our family of churches focus her efforts on growing up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ. That each part of the body works together properly making the body grow so that it builds itself up in love (Eph 4:15-16). That growth be celebrated in the numerical growth of our congregations, the new birth of souls, the birth and adoption of children, the growing/maturing of individuals in the church, the growing/maturing of the corporate body, and the birth of new churches.
Petition 7: We pray that God do things in and through The Praetorian Project churches that can only be attributed to God. Not intelligent leaders, or creative ministry, or clever strategies, but that the only plausible explanation for the work done in and through our midst is that Almighty God showed up.
Thoughts on Thresholds and the Clint Clifton Church Planting Legacy
Stage 2: Prepare Yourself and Your Family
Stage 3: Enlist a Planting Partner and Mentor
Stage 4: Prepare (On Prospectuses)
Stage 5: Gather Resources (On Fundraising and Church Budgets)
Stage 6: Assemble a Missionary Team
Stage 7: Befriend Your Community
Stage 8: Begin Worship Gatherings
Stage 9: Order the Church (On Church Structure and Leadership Offices)
Stage 10: Repeat (On Building a Culture of Replication)