
Testimonies of God’s work through the Praetorian Project.

Blog Post

Sharing the Gospel in the Barracks

As a believer in the barracks, I’m a main connection point between Marines and Pillar Church. I have been very thankful for the Pillar community to come alongside Marines in friendship and intentional discipleship.

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Blog Post

Ministry to Military Wives

Military wives desperately need you to be the body of Christ. Through hospitality, engage in spiritual formation and embrace the few years you have with them.

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Blog Post

Bible Reading: Even More Important for the Military?

For those of you in the military or the immediate family member of a service member, have you considered the added importance of this regular time alone with the Lord? Having served for 10 years on active duty myself and now pastoring a church with many active-duty families, I have compiled a list of reasons I find this discipline of added importance for you.

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The Praetorian Project

Brian O’Day, Executive Director of the Praetorian Project, guest preaches at West Hills Community Church near San Jose, California on February 26, 2023. Brian preaches from Philippians 1:1-14 for a sermon that highlights two of the reasons why Paul is able to rejoice as he sits imprisoned, and takes time to share about the specific work of the Praetorian Project and how it echos the work Paul began.

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Blog Post

Does the Bible Command us to Plant Churches?

You won’t find the term “church planting” in the Bible, but that doesn’t mean church planting is not a biblical idea. If you’re looking for it, you’ll see church planting all over the New Testament.

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Join us for our Week of Prayer September 8-14!