
Testimonies of God’s work through the Praetorian Project.

Blog Post

The Shoes of Clint Clifton – Thoughts from Jennifer Clifton

There is a big hole in the church-planting world of the Praetorian Project with my late husband Clint Clifton gone–but that doesn’t mean we get to give up. What it means now is that, as a network of church planters, pastors, and families, we all have to step up, push harder, and stretch ourselves to continue the task Clint spent so much of his life doing.

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Blog Post

God is Sovereign Over Military Assignments

After 15 years of military service, 10 moves, eight different assignments, four states, one U.S. territory, a combat deployment, and multiple short tours, I can testify to God’s sovereignty over every facet of my life – even over the military assignment system.

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Blog Post

Will Planting Mess Up My Kids?

Today, I had someone introduce me like this “This is Noah. His dad started the church.” I get introduced this way very often, as do many kids when their parents plant and pastor a church.

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Join us for our Week of Prayer September 8-14!